Mirror Image

I am very satisfied with my mirror image—all in the ways I look, feel, and act. I treat people with the utmost respect as it is deserved, and I treat them in a way that will not deter them in future encounters. When I work or do a job or task, I carry out the task to the best of my abilities. Dress means a lot as well; I wear appropriate clothes to jobs and special occasions and do not ever seek to threaten my image for clothing more comfortable. For my job, it is appropriate to wear comfortable clothing, but clothing one is willing to get dirty and filthy. I believe everyone is worth something, no matter how little it may seem; everyone deserves a chance. I always present myself in a fashion that will please or impress the individual I am addressing and will offer the best impression to them. My mirror image is my own, and my ethical beliefs are my own based on how I was raised and what I believe in.

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